Sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties!

Sorry folks…We just received brand new office phones and unfortunately, plugging them in caused all kinds of problems! If you’ve tried calling We Grow Dreams today, you got the busy signal. We’re working with our provider to get this corrected, in the meantime, we have a temporary number 630.473.6361 that can be used to phone the greenhouse during normal business hours. Thank you for your patience while we work through this!

SUCCESS!! Thank YOU for supporting our 18th Annual BowlAThon!

We had an incredible time at our annual BowlAThon fundraiser last month! We are happy to report that we netted over $22,000 which is an increase over last year’s fundraiser! Thank you, so very much to everyone who came out to show their support, provided donations for our raffle baskets and silent auction, and to the committee and volunteers that make this fundraiser possible every year!

We still have some lovely items made by our incredible craft team, we’re so happy many of them found nice homes, but Elvis Parsley here is still searching! Stop by to see what we’re growing and show your support for our mission soon!

ALL HERBS: buy one, get one FREE!

If you have the itch to get growing, we have a good deal on herbs that may be able to help you with this! We are running an incredible sale on out complete herb selection, stop by to check it all out! Pick out a couple of herbs that you can pot and care for over the next 9 weeks, shuffling them inside and outside, as mother nature allows! Then enjoy the harvests of your labor ahead schedule as they develop!

Our Mission
To provide people with disabilities the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives and to train and work in a supportive, safe, and caring environment while producing and providing products and services to the community. In this pursuit, we honor the concepts of human dignity, respect, hard work, fellowship, and friendship.

1055 W Washington St

West Chicago, IL  60185



PO Box 861

West Chicago, IL. 60186

Office:  630/293-0100

Fax:  630/293-0100

[email protected]

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram too!

Off-Season Hours:

Tuesday - Saturday:  9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Sunday & Monday:  CLOSED