Be a Part of We Grow Dreams
Working at a greenhouse can be a very rewarding experience. You get the pleasure of getting your hands dirty, meeting new people, and gaining new real-world experience. If you would like additional information about becoming a team member, please contact us at [email protected]
Do you find yourself with some extra free time and you are looking for something meaningful to do? Consider volunteering at We Grow Dreams. The greenhouse rarely has a work shortage, and we are always looking for volunteers to help us out. You can even learn more about gardening and the greenhouse by spending some time here. If you would like additional information about volunteer opportunities, please contact us at [email protected]
Join our Team
You may not know it yet, but being a part of the We Grow Dreams family can have meaningful, positive impact on your community. But did you also know that it can have many benefits for you too? Here are some reasons to spend some time with us:
Learn or develop a new skill
The greenhouse is a perfect place to discover something you are really good at and to develop a new skill. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” It is never too late to learn new skills and no reason why you should stop adding to your knowledge. Skills learned while at the greenhouse can enhance a career and improve your overall quality of life.
Be part of your community
We sometimes take for granted the community that we live in. Our greenhouse mission is ultimately about helping others and having an impact on people’s wellbeing. What better way is there to connect with your community and give a little back? By helping out at We Grow Dreams, you certainly return to society some of the benefits that society gives you.
Motivation and sense of achievement
If you are thinking about volunteering or becoming a team member, both are about giving your time, energy, and skills freely. Unlike many things in life, there is choice involved in volunteering free from pressure to act from others. Volunteers express a sense of achievement and motivation. It may be true that no one person can solve all the world’s problems, but what you can do is make that little corner of the world where you live just that little bit better.
Boost your career options
73% of employers would recruit a candidate with volunteering experience over one without
94% of employers believe that volunteering can add to skills
94% of employees who volunteered to learn new skills had benefited either by getting their first job, improving their salary, or being promoted
Also, if you are thinking of a career change, then spending time at our greenhouse is a perfect way to explore new fields to expand your work portfolio in your field of interest and to gain a real insight into your chosen path.
New interests and hobbies
Volunteering or becoming a team member can give you an escape from your everyday routine and create a balance in your life. Finding new interests and hobbies can be fun, relaxing, energizing and sometimes helps to relieve tensions and foster new perspectives for old situations. You can strengthen your personal/professional mission and vision by exploring opportunities and expanding your horizons.
New experiences
Volunteering or becoming a team member is a brilliant way to get life experience. You will see the real world through hands-on work and have a sense of pride. Gives you something new to talk about with friends and family too!
Meeting a diverse range of people
We Grow Dreams Greenhouse brings together a diverse range of people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Both the recipients of your efforts and your co-workers can be a rich source of inspiration and an excellent way to develop your interpersonal skills. Volunteering also offers an incredible networking opportunity since you can never tell who you will meet or what new information you will learn and what impact this could have on your life.
Send a signal to your employer, teachers, friends & family
The above is edited from: Ten Professional Development Benefits of Volunteering (Everything I Learned in Life I Learned through Volunteering). Mary V. Merrill, LSW, Merrill Associates

1055 W Washington St
West Chicago, IL 60185
PO Box 861
West Chicago, IL. 60186
Office: 630/293-0100
Fax: 630/293-0100
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram too!
Off-Season Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday & Monday: CLOSED