June 2024
We still have plenty of beautiful annuals waiting for homes — watch for our BOGO sale coming soon. It’s so much better to send these lovely flowers to you instead of becoming part of the compost pile!
Check out our Facebook page for news or sign up through this website under the “Keep in Touch with Us” tab in the green bar above to receive email updates of upcoming events.

Saturday June 29, 2024
Guest Speakers
Join us as Roy Diblik and his wife, Anna Maria Leon, visit the greenhouse to meet and greet all of you! Both will be speaking about what they know best — PLANTS! They will be available from 10 – 2, and will do some mini presentations between 11 and 1, but will be available to answer questions and just say hi.
We will be bringing in a selection of perennials from Northwind Perennial Farm in Burlington, WI, which is where Roy is part-owner and plantsman extraordinaire and has designed Lurie Gardens and Grand Geneva Resort. Check out to learn more about Roy and the wonderful farm.

Fall Festival!
Saturday, Sept 14
We are always so excited about our Fall Festival — hundreds of mums in many sizes, colors and bloom times are ready for new homes! And fall decorating isn’t complete without traditional and heirloom pumpkins, corn stalks, straw bales, and gourds.
The tastes and smells of fall make us get all warm and fuzzy inside, don’t they? We’ll help you capture those feelings with a selection of apple pies, apple cider doughnuts, and apple cider, and a few other surprises. We look forward to seeing you!

Annual Bowlathon Fundraiser!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
What better way to spend a winter Sunday than bowling with family and friends to support a great cause. This is our only event fundraiser to helps refill the coffers when we need to purchase lots and usually sell little as plants are just getting started.
Sponsorships and donations are greatly appreciated to help defray the costs of this event and is open to everyone. Details will be forthcoming but the plan is Parkside Lanes in Aurora, 12-4, with limited spots. Watch our website and Facebook pages in late fall for more information and registration options!